About Us

Informist Data & Analytics Pvt. Ltd. has been set up to take over the credit business of Cogencis Information Services Ltd., India's first real-time market data terminal company. Prior to the acquisition of Cogencis Information Services Ltd by NSE Data & Analytics Ltd, a 100% subsidiary of the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., Cogencis sold the credit data business to Informist Data & Analytics.

Informist Data & Analytics is a leading provider of information in the credit space in India. Informist provides all the data, non-data information, and analytical tools that are needed by any participant in the credit space, be it business development, appraisal, monitoring, or risk management or stressed asset management or any associated function. Credit Standard is the flagship product of Informist. Credit Standard has been designed keeping in mind the needs of the credit departments of banks and other financial institutions such as Mutual Funds, Insurance companies, NBFCs, etc.

Informist Data counts among its customers marquee banks such as the State Bank of India, HDFC Bank, Indian Bank, Axis Bank, ICICI Bank as well as other lending/investing organisations including banks, mutual funds, and non-banking finance companies. Informist counts among its customers the BSE Ltd. and the National Stock Exchange of India Ltd., as also the wholly-owned NSE subsidiary Cogencis Information Services Ltd.